

Motivation is such a weird thing. Pretty temperamental too. Like, how come when I want to find the perfect winter/spring transitional jacket, I have the energy of a 5 year old after a full night's sleep and the motivation of a speaker on tour…but when I get to work I’m overcome by lethargy? I wish the two were reversed! I wish I didn’t find “the coat” (yet I always find “the coat”) and then drop money I didn’t intend to spend! 

So when Confucius said, “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your,”, do we think it was intended equal parts literal and figurative? Because I think I love my job (or at least the idea of it), but I definitely am working 5 out of 7 days per week. Is it bad that it always feels like work? Or are we all on the same page and Confucius is the one smoking something? 

Feeling unmotivated sucks. Complacency does too. But if that’s sort of how I’m feeling, does that mean I should make a change or is it more of a matter of acceptance. Should I be supplementing and sprinkling in other things that bring joy and motivation? Because let me tell you, something I acknowledge and respect about myself is my discipline. I can really get shit done. I can add things that bring me motivation and excitement and adventure. But is my job supposed to also be delivering some of that satisfaction and maybe there is a bigger change needed to be made? 

Life ebbs and flows. I have always been under the impression that I won’t stay in one profession for my whole life. Rather, I’m fairly confident I will have a “second-life” career change. There’s just too much out there to stay somewhat stagnant. Having not even had a full year under my belt (I know, I know I need to chill) I’m not actually going anywhere soon. But it’s fun to flirt with ideas of what could be next, what may pay the bills but not feel like work…

In the meantime, I need to figure out a way to up the determination and put the lackadaisical attitude on low.

So tell me about it…what do you do when the work motivation tanks? 


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