That's Hot

That's Hot

Hot takes have become a hot topic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said something that has been followed with an “oooh hot take”! If you want, I can list ‘em all here, but that’s boring. Best to keep you on your toes. 

A hot take I established a few years back, which I feel VERY (caps for emphasis) strongly about, is my admiration for Sundays. Fuck the Sunday Scaries. Flip the narrative. Sunday berries perhaps? Start the day with a bowl of blueberries, blackberries, etc.? Sunday hairys? No one’s allowed to shave? 

Nah. I mean, if you want to eat berries and throw out your razor, go for it. No one’s stopping you over here...

But for real, fuck the Sunday Scaries!!! 

I’m obviously not counting down the minutes until Sunday, I’m definitely not cueing the fireworks when Sunday night hits, nor am I ever totally prepared for the week ahead…I'm not a psychopath...yet, I really appreciate and lean into the selfishness vibes of a Sunday. Just saying "Sunday" alone is a wonderful excuse to do whatever it is you want. So go run a marathon, park yourself on your couch for the day, or go find something solid in between.

It’s a “you do you” kinda day, no justification needed. As someone who follows and gravitates towards a routine, a rigid routine one might add, I have Sunday’s down to a science. In full transparency, there have been a handful of times where Saturday’s festivities alter Sunday’s plan (to which I am learning to welcome a pivot), my Sunday’s are pretty set in stone. Mix in a little meal prep, throw in some laundry, sweat out those Saturday festivities, watch a TV show you don’t reallllyyy have to pay attention to and get that popcorn popping! It's Sunday god damnit!

For this "introvert", Sundays are my days to reset, reorganize and relinquish the final few hours sans work and responsibilities. So yeah, I could waste a Sunday being bummed the weekends over (and by nature of being a bit hypocritical, I’ve definitely spewed a negative Sunday complaint here and there) or I could listen to my mind and body, cross things off my list that my future self will thank me for and just do me. That, my friend, is exactly what I’ll keep doing. 

Maybe that’s why they’re called hot takes, because they’re yours! No one can take them away from you! And hey, that’s hot! 

So tell me about it…what’s your hot take? 


I love Dasani water, sue me.


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