Q & A's

Q & A's

I have this weird affinity towards psychics, horoscopes and astrology, and personality tests (Myers Briggs and Enneagram to be exact). It’s not that I actively and consciously make choices based on the latest shit (excuse my French) I’ve read, it's more that I like believing things are often just destined to be. I guess that ties into the “everything happens for a reason” sentiment, which I do believe, just not in a super literal sense-still flushing it all out. 

Psychics, astrology, and personality tests are fun answers to random questions I ask myself. Like why do I love filling favors for others but feel uncomfortable asking others for favors? Oh! Because my Enneagram test declared I’m a Type 2- duh. 

Each morning, I look forward to reading my horoscope. I have arbitrarily identified Elle as my sacred horoscope resource and I slightly adjust my mindset based on what I’ve just read. Although there’s an initial and short lived smile (if my horoscope is positive) or increased heart rate (if my horoscope is negative), I don’t spend the rest of the day trying to connect events to what the AstroTwins at Elle spelled out for me. However, it’s a fun way to acknowledge the vastness of the world and our beings. It’s a reminder that things happen the way they are supposed to…even if it doesn't immediately make sense or feel right. Is this making sense? 

I’m definitely not running a campaign to convince everyone to read their daily horoscopes, become an astrology-head, or take personality tests, but I am proposing you identify something that you believe (even if you don’t want to admit it) in something that is bigger than yourself. Some minds might go right to religion, and that’s beautiful. Others might think of a song or Harry Potter, which works too! But find something-find something that you can relate to, believe in and answers some of the toughest questions you might ask yourself. That prompts you to remember there’s a reason things are happening the way that they are. 

So tell me about it…what do you have an affinity towards? 


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